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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  March 4, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST

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mallicoat. happy fat tuesday by the way right? mardi gras. there we go. >> a lot of things going on in new orleans. >> lots. >> just a few things, even at this hour. a lot of clouds in the skies and a lot of heavy drizzle outside and chance of a couple more sprinkles but a chance of more rain on the way. when come up. and we have a rough note right now in the south bay. san jose there's word of a fatal accident involving a pedestrian. right now the northbound 280 off ramp is shut down until further notice. the corner is on -- coroner is on scene. plus, we also have some road work and a power outage we want to let you know about too. >> you're busy already. it is 4:30. we begin this morning police detectives will be at an east bay area high school to question students about a possible hate crime on campus. kpix 5's andria borba tells us it happened in the bathroom at a hercules high school. >> reporter: this boys' restroom is the scene of what
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hercules police officers are calling a horrific on campus assault. it happened just after 11:00 at hercules middle and high school. that's when a 15-year-old transgender teen walked into the boys restroom as the student was leaving, three 16 to 17-year-old boys walked in. >> forced into the handicap stall and physically and sexually assaulted. >> reporter: afterward the victim walked to the school nurse's office and asked for help. the student biologically a female but identifies male was then taken to the hospital for treatment and rape kit. hercules detectives interviewed the victim and questioned other students an campus but still don't know who the suspects are. >> many times victims cannot at least initially identify their attackers in this type of an offense. >> reporter: the campus itself is no help. the school does not have security cameras. >> this probably would not have happened at the high school because we have 120 cameras an on campus there. >> reporter: the school board
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president charles ramsey said the suspects should consider themselves on notice. >> you already expelled and you will be punished and we are asked that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> november this happened on the campus. a fight involving otranto gender student there -- transgender student there. with three other students there fighting. the times reports that 94% of the teachers that hercules high supported a vote of no confidence in the presence pal saying she had created a toxic environment. family, friends and classmates are mourning the death of a 14-year-old hit by a train in martinez. messages, flowers and a pink soccer ball were left at the scene where a freight train hit 14-year-old jenna betti. the eighth grade athlete was walking along the tracks with a friend when they saw the train they got out of the way but jenna went back apparently to pick up her cell phone. >> i really can't put it into
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words. to be honest with you. it's really hard. you know, on a personal level. >> in every class that she was in, there was a box that you could write letters or notes to her and it was sitting at her desk. >> some students are wearing pink at the school because that was her favorite color. a number of developments this morning on the crisis in the ukraine where the temporary government is struggling now to deal with a russian military invasion there. today the u.s. secretary of state john kerry headed over to the capital of kiev to show support for ukraine's new leadership. russia's military tightened its grip toe on the -- though on the crimean peninsula though. president obama calls the russian invasion a violation of international law. last night he met with top advisers at the white house situation room to discuss some options for the u.s.. ukrainians in the bay area say the situation though is very complicated.
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joe vazquez spoke to some of them as they keep a close eye on the situation. >> reporter: inside the new world market in the little russia district in san francisco, there are as many opinions about putin's decision to invade crimea as there are types of sausages for sale. will says they are oppressing russia. >> this is ridiculous because my dad is russian and has never been a threat. >> reporter: elaina says her family and friends on her social media feed have mixed feelings about the russian troops. >> the opinions are divided but all of them are alarmed. even those who i kind of happy about putin's interference. they still alarmed that that will lead to a civil war. >> this is i think not fair. >> reporter: but isabel supports what she calls a temporary russian effort to
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have stability. >> they are just there to help. >> reporter: cat a neuroscience grad student at stanford is from crimea. she says it has turned it into a full blown crisis. >> there are people who would say we want to be with russia and there are people who said we want to build stronger ties with the west. but i think one a foreign army invades your country, it's very difficult and i find it quite impossible to make an argument for that. >> reporter: joe vasquez, kpix 5. >> a little background on crimea which was part of russia until 1954. russia turned it over to ukraine that year when both were part of the soviet union. even though it was semihigh indidn't. an estimated 77% of people there consider russia their native language. the crisis is blamed for yesterday's drop in global stock markets. in the u.s. the dow fell almost 154 points. the nasdaq and s&p 500 also
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fell and the encouraging news though, markets in asia and europe are bouncing back today. all right switching gears now. get your umbrellas ready because the rain is back. eh? >> had some rain overnight. a lot of drizzle out there right now. very very wet out on the roadways. >> rain is back and frank is back. >> what a combo. >> little three day weekend up at lake tahoe with the special olympics. we have photos coming up. >> oh my goodness. >> that's all i have to say. >> when in tahoe you know? >> you did. hey folks around the bay area today. a lot of clouds outside right now and we've had showers overnight. a lot of moisture out there so we have so much more dress -- some more drizzle and throughout the day today high pressure trying to sneak in here right but right now the hi- def doppler radar fairly quiet. a lot of low level moisture and still seeing lots of drizzle out there this morning. plenty on the lens this morning looking to the bay bridge and
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temperatures fairly mild. 50s outside right now. by the afternoon a lot of clouds and maybe a sliver of sunshine. some warmer temperatures should be up as high as 67 degrees in san jose today. about 64 in san francisco. all right, let's check out the roads now with i liz beth. remains blocked and it was a fatal accident involving a pedestrian and it happened around 3:15 this morning. we know crews are still on scene. the main lines of the freeway are not impacted and the investigation continues just off of the freeway. that's why the off ramp is closed until further notice. approaching saratoga avenue. in the meantime also this is that power outage i had mentioned. affecting some neighborhoods in san francisco. a little earlier there was the underground cable failure. at the height about 2300 customers were without power but we just checked with pg&e. they are hoping to restore service by 5:00 a.m. that's your latest kcbs traffic. back to you guys. thank you. happening today, oakland's new
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city administrator takes over after one of the most powerful players was suddenly replaced. mayor jean quan made the announcement last night. santana is being replaced by blackwell. the new ca starts at noon today. no official word on why santana is leaving but sources tell the "oakland tribune" mayor quan wanted her out. one state senator faces federal bribery charges and another convicted of voter fraud. but they're still getting paid. how is that possible? here's what reporter rob mcalister found out. >> reporter: ron scald roan received approximately 100 you $100,000 in bribes. >> reporter: he is not the only one. senator rob wright who was convicted but still awaiting sentencing is also collecting a salary. >> just the way the system runs. i don't like it that way. >> reporter: scald roan and wright are each being paid nearly $8,000 a month to stay
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home. money that comes from the tax dollars. >> in this situation where you have somebody who's been forced to leave his office, host no longer doing -- he's no longer doing the people's business. therefore i think there's an open question as to whether or not they continue to get their paychecks. >> reporter: the professor says the state must be careful taking pay away early. >> before they're convicted. >> reporter: but they article there out to be tougher -- ought to be stuffer standards. >> they are octobering on -- acting on the public's behalf. >> reporter: as it stands the senate leader is allowed to use his discretion when determining whether a lawmaker is paid or not. >> consistently, the legislative bodies tend to handle it that they don't actually expel a member until the member has been proven guilty and so until the member is expelled, they're treated as if they're still on the job to
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a certain extent. >> reporter: the last time a senator was expelled was 109 years ago. it was a system that does not appear likely to change anytime soon. >> and that was rob mcallister reporting from l. a.. so the democrats no longer have that super majority and that means they will need republican help now to at any tax hikes. a 4-year-old girl is in critical condition after a crash in fremont where drunk driving may have been a factor. it happened early yesterday just after midnight. her mother was driving on oz good road when she crossed the center line and hit a car head- on. the little girl was in the back in a car seat that wasn't secured properly. police say the woman smelled lick alcohol at the scene and the other driver admitted to drinking alcohol before driving. and police in flee month are looking far those two men too. they're suspected of stealing a man's suv then leaving his dog inside to die for a number of days. the theft happened last weekend at wal-mart in gilroy.
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there's the dog. the suv turned up four days later in san jose. michael mcbee's 15-year-old akita was dead in the backseat when they found the car. the owner, heart broken. >> if i could get my hands on them it wouldn't be fun. well, at least for them. >> a wal-mart surveillance camera got these shots of the thieves right there. one of the stars of the oscars show sunday night isn't an actor and didn't know he was going to be part of the show. >> pizza's here. >> there you go. that's hostellen degeneres ordering pizza for everyone. then started handing out the slices and also took up a collection to pay for the 25. the delivery guy had no idea he was going to wind up on stage. >> i didn't know anything. >> you just got the call? >> i just got the call. and they just told me it would be 25 pizzas and we just made it and -- i delivered it.
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>> well, edgar also happening to own the -- happens to own the shop. he split his $1,000 tip with his employees and he says his phone has been ringing off the hook ever since. he's now a star. >> brad pitt handed over a 20 and brad pitt says come on. pony up. >> that was one of my favorite parts of the night. >> pretty cool. on this rainy tuesday it is 4:42. a gaping sinkhole swallows up more real estate. how crews managed to fish out some prized possessions. >> a skiascope rescue nothing to do with people -- ski slope rescue that had nothing to do with people. the injuries to a young bear. ,,,,,,
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it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more.
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classic cars from a sinkhol e first one out crews are starting to recover $1 million worth of classic cars from the big sinkhole in kentucky. the first one out a 2009 bright blue corvette. you might think the damage would have been a whole lot worse. just had a broken window and a cracked door panel but the car started right up and they drove it right out. the sinkhole at the national corvette museum swallowed eight
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vintage vets last month. the museum surveillance videos capturing the whole thing. they're going to have them on display this summer. today the faa starts its investigation into a deadly plane crash near like that hoe -- lake tahoe. a couple crashed about six miles from the truckee tahoe airport yesterday morning. they were flying their single engine piper home from santa ana. 55-year-old tar la farnell was killed and her husband ray was the pilot and right now reported in critical condition. now one reporter on the east coast was sent out to cover the weather. >> instead, the weather covered him. >> there goes a couple of plows demonstrating what i -- what i said. hitting us. all right. there you go. here comes another one. >> oh man. you can hear the photographer too. well, this is in new jersey, the reporter was 20 feet from the road when that happened. and he later joked that a reporter from a rival station must have been driving the plow. >> never had a plow do that to
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me. that's dangerous. that is -- that plow was really close. >> not to mention he's supposed to be wearing his yellow you know -- >> to be protected out there. yeah. you know what though? i bet you the drivers of the snow plow were laughing because they were just driving by. look at that guy. >> dune to channel such and such. watch this. >> youtube forever. >> forever. hey guys we've got some showers around bay area this morning. just some light stuff right now. in fact so light and so low level it's not showing up on our hi-def doppler radar. in fact, though, we are seeing a couple of scattered sprinkles continuing this morning. that will be on and off as we head throughout the day today. as we'll see well, a lot of moisture kind of hanging out in the atmosphere. so got clouds out there right now. and it's a bit on the wet side. partial clearing into the afternoon. and slightly warmer and then more rain as we head in toward the middle of the week especially wednesday night into thursday. right now cloudy skies. high pressure trying to nudge its way in here ever so slowly. that will send the brunt of most of the moisture up to the north. still going to see a lot of clouds around our skies today. want some rain?
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you can find it up in toward yucaipa and redding and lake tahoe looking at rain and about 54 degrees. computer models picking up on the clouds moving on through today. light sprinkles early on. and even into the afternoon and evening hours. so lots of clouds and well, some temperatures fairly mild. even with the cloud cover outside. lot of 60s going to be popping up around bay area. well in the 60s in the south bay and 68 in morgan hill and 67 in san jose. and 67 in palo alto. east bay temperatures, 68 in livermore and up to 68 in brentwood and 66-degrees in pleasant hills. inside the bay a lot of 60s this afternoon. very muggy outside as well. next couple of days we've got another storm system headed our way. slight chance of showers in the north bay tomorrow afternoon and then of night wednesday night -- overnight wednesday night into thursday, more rain possibly as we head in towards sunday. all right let's check on the wet roads now with elizabeth. the weather this morning may be impacting your commute a
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bit. a little drizzle and definitely wet roadways. you can see the slick conditions this morning. some rain drops. as you head towards the bay bridge toll plaza. obviously no big delays right now from the east bay into san francisco. there may be those left lanes blocked though. still until 5:00 as you approach the incline. and you can barely see cars this morning. this is traffic heading towards the dublin interchange and obviously some low clouds kind of blurring our vision of the westbound commute but so far things are still moving okay. this is the latest drive time right now -- so no big problem spots so far. except that visibility issue right now through the livermore valley. we did wake up to this. a serious problem in the south bay. with the body found, pedestrian likely hit northbound 280 approaching saratoga avenue. it's the off ramp that remains blocked right now in san jose. the main leans of the freeway still look clear through downtown as you head by cupertino. also an earlier power outage or it's still there at one point
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2300 customers were without power. they're looking to rescore service in parts of san francisco. but if you come to an intersection where there's no lights on, you can just treat it as a four way stop until the power is restored. also mass transit if you don't want to arrive on slick roadways. so far everything is on time and remember kcbs 106.9 fm. back to you. it's been a strange winter and the unusual weather seems to be confusing some wildlife. mike has details of a bizarre incident that briefly shut down heavenly ski resort yesterday. >> reporter: the injured bear was brought into lake tahoe's wildlife care center. the same bear that sparked a buzz of reaction and shut down part of heavenly ski resort for the morning because it was found on a ski run. >> first tracks on the snow that morning had been a bear. >> reporter: but you think when you heard about the bear? >> scared. >> we had to wait two hours to go up into the slopes beasthood catch the bear -- they had to catch the bear. >> reporter: just open wounds and trauma to the bear. >> anything could have caused
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it. coyotes, dogs, a fall down a mountain. >> reporter: wildlife officials say when they weighed this bear he weighed 49 pounds. >> probably a little more thin than we would expect first year cub. >> reporter: is this another example of yet another impact open the drought? >> reporter: yes, definitely. >> reporter: in a normal winter this bear likely never would have wantered out on a ski run. this early in march. >> still be sleeping for another month and still be in hibernation but the weather is so up and down. we're getting chipmunks coming out a month early and we're getting robins up here a month early. the wildlife is reacting to our drought. >> that was mike testall reporting. experts believe the bear will make a full recovery before its release back to the would. poor little bear. >> 49 pounds? a new jersey teenager is suing her parents for refusing to pay her college tuition. >> but her father tells reporter christine sloan that's not the whole story.
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>> we're being sued by our child. it's -- it's -- i'm dumbfounded and so is my wife. >> reporter: his daughter rachel canning is a cheerleader. she alleges her parents abandoned her when she turned 18 and are now refusing to pay for her to go to college. her father says -- >> a. a good kid and b. a rebellious teen. >> reporter: he claims she ran away in november because she didn't want to follow house rules. >> living in our house is few things, there's minor chores and curfew. >> reporter: rachel didn't want to be interviewed. she's staying with her best friend's family. the father is funding the lawsuit. rachel says the university of vermont. a private college, is her first choice. >> are you refusing to pay for her college education? >> it's -- i reject the whole question on that. the whole premise. we have a college fund that's available to her. there's no doubt about that.
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but it's -- the equivalent like i said before of going shopping at a high end store and sending somebody the bill. >> reporter: rachel says she was given the option of dumping her boyfriend or getting out. >> me and my wife are distraught. >> i'm sorry. >> i don't know what to say. >> i'm not sure why mom and dad would want to talk about this. both sides are going to be in court today. >> rachel wants to become a bimedical engineer in college. >> maybe an attorney would be better. >> maybe a job. >> there you go. okay. that's a head shaker. here an fat tuesday, the center of the tech universe has returned to the old days of dining ahead. >> how a local radio station became the scene of a bizarre rescue operation. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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lot of clouds outside today. temperatures going to be fairly mild though. fairly muggy. lots of the moisture is going to stick around. the temperatures warming up into the 60s in the peninsula. as high as 67 in san jose and 68 in morgan hill and gilroy about 66 in saratoga. east bay temperatures, a lot of clouds out there. maybe some sprinkles too. 67 in dublin and 66 in danville and 67 degrees in walnut creek. in the north bay, maybe a little bit cooler and i think a better chance of seeing some of the sprinkles out there. about of 5 degrees -- 65 degrees and showers in yucaipa. 64 degrees in santa rosa. just a reminder roads are slick and we are seeing more accidents out there including this new one. an overturned eastbound 80. the 280 interchange. well have an update in the traffic coming up. twitter is high-tech and trendy but now the company acknowledges there was life before the computer age.
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>> the computer is installing 19th century log cabins outside its headquarters in san francisco. they'll be used as employee dining rooms. the cabins were salvaged from ranches in montana and should be in place in just a few weeks. >> that will be trending soon i'm sure. >> okay. there was an unusual rescue at a bay area radio station. >> yeah somehow a man got stuck inside this wall yesterday in the building that houses kgo radio. that hole is where san francisco firefighters found him. they had to use sledge hammers to break through the dry wall to get him out. >> i can't figure out any way he got in. it's mystery. >> the man described as wearing shorts and nice shoes was taken to the hospital to be checked out and so far no one will say how he got inside the wall. >> nice shoes. all right, a northern california couple thought they struck it rich when they discovered gold buried on the property. turns out the coins may have
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been stolen. wow. >> police back at hercules high school this morning. it's day two of a hate crime investigation. the victim, a transgender teen. coming up we'll have all the details. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later.
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griego. and i'm frank mallicoat you will be expelled. you will be punished. and we will ask that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. you can't assault students on campus, no matter who they are. >> police detectives are at hercules high school this morning to question about about what happened in a bathroom on campus after a transgender teen describes a horrifying ordeal. this weather is so up and down. we're getting chipmunks coming out a month early and getting robins up here a month early. the wildlife is reacting to the drought. >> a small bear wakes up early from his hibernation and ended up smack in the middle of the ski run in heaven. >> sitting in a bed of snow. the left wing was torn off. most of the rest of the plane
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was intact. >> one person died and another critically injured when a plane crashed near the truckee tahoe airport. it took crews hour to get to the survivors. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on kpix 5 news this morning. >> bare hand comebacker. good morning everyone, i'm michelle griego. >> happy fat tuesday everyone, i'm frank mallicoat. at 5:00. >> and we are following some breaking news this morning from san jose where a pedestrian was killed walking on the off ramp to 280. the ramp to saratoga avenue is completely shut down. the person was hit around 3:00 a.m. and it's unclear why they were walking there. elizabeth will have more on how the accident is impacting traffic in just a moment. we can tell you this much. it is wet out there. and the rain will continue for a little bit i guess right lawrence? >> at least some light sprinkles and drizzle outside right now. a lot of cloud cover out there. a whole lot of moisture in the atmosphere and most of the heavier amounts of rainfa


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